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VRE & Coronavirus

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#1 CNJRoss



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Posted 13 March 2020 - 04:44 PM

VRE Train Talk alert 3/13/20



Virginia Railway Express (VRE)



Coronavirus Update from the Virginia Railway Express


VRE continues to monitor the evolving effects of the coronavirus pandemic. As employers in the region begin transitioning to more telework options for their employees, we expect ridership to drop to a point where we will adjust our service level.

Our partners at Amtrak have already announced a reduction in service to weekend schedules for next week, which eliminates the cross-honor options for our passengers utilizing Amtrak Step-Up tickets in conjunction with their multi-ride VRE tickets.

Metrorail has similarly announced plans to reduce the frequency of their trains.

VRE currently plans to operate on a regular schedule on Monday, March 16th. This could change as more information becomes available. VRE Staff will be working primarily from remote locations, so staffing and services at VRE Headquarters in Alexandria will be limited. Please call us at 703-684-1001 before coming to our office to make sure we will be able to provide the service you need. We will continue to send Train Talk Alerts with the latest developments and encourage everyone to stay tuned to Train Talk and our website at www.vre.org for the latest news.



#2 CNJRoss



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Posted 16 March 2020 - 07:46 AM

VRE Service Advisory: Coronavirus Update from the Virginia Railway Express


2020-03-12 16:04:47 EDT


There is no higher priority for VRE than the health and safety of our passengers, train crews and staff. As the coronavirus situation evolves, I want you to know that we are monitoring updates and guidance from federal, state and local health agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and are prepared to adjust any of our practices or protocols.


VRE continues to clean and disinfect our train cars daily, including special emphasis on high touchpoint areas like handrails, seatbacks, armrests and door handles/switches. Our onboard restrooms are disinfected and restocked with supplies, like hand soap. At the stations and platforms, our Facilities crews wipe down all handrails and ticket vending machines with the proper cleaners at least once per day.


To support our efforts, we are asking riders to:

• Stay home when you are sick,

• Avoid close contact with people who are sick,

• Cover your cough or sneeze,

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth,

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.


Since coronavirus is spread from person to person like other respiratory illnesses, these personal protective actions can help keep everyone safe.


We have added an update to our website to highlight Coronavirus (COVID-19) health and safety guidance. https://www.vre.org/...uidance-on-vre/


Protecting the health and safety of our passengers, train crews and staff is both a priority and a partnership – and we all need to do our part.


Please stay tuned to VRE.org or our Train Talk alerts for updates and additional information.


-Rich Dalton, Acting CEO


Note: Updates are not typically available for delays under 10 minutes as time is often made up en route.

Questions? Contact gotrains@vre.org or call 703.684.1001. Automated Service Information:1-800-RIDE-VRE




#3 CNJRoss



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Posted 16 March 2020 - 01:37 PM

VRE Service Advisory: Service Level Update 3/16/20 1:50 pm


Virginia Railway Express (VRE)


Service Level Update


VRE continues to monitor the effects of the COVID-19 mitigation efforts on ridership. As the number of people working at remote locations continues to increase, VRE ridership has dropped to a level warranting reduced service.

Effective tomorrow, Tuesday March 17, 2020, VRE will begin operating at a reduced “S” schedule level. Only trains marked with an “S” on our schedule will operate. Amtrak is already operating on their reduced schedule, so no cross-honor step-up trains will be offered.

As a reminder, VRE Staff will be working primarily from remote locations, so staffing and services at VRE Headquarters in Alexandria will be limited. Please call us at 703-684-1001 before coming to our office to make sure we will be able to provide the service you need.

We will send reminders of the reduced service level through our normal channels on a daily basis. Please stay tuned to vre.org and Train Talk Alerts for more updates.



Virginia Railway Express, 1500 King Street, Suite 202, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Click here for more information on this alert.



Automated Service Information:


#4 CNJRoss



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Posted 20 March 2020 - 04:30 PM

VRE Train Talk Alert 3/20/20



Virginia Railway Express (VRE)


VRE continues to monitor service level


Thank you to everyone who is practicing proper social distancing and making other efforts to help slow down the spread of COVID-19. The health and safety of our passengers and crews is our main focus, and it is clear many of you are heeding the advice of the CDC and other federal, state, and local authorities to make the necessary changes in your daily routine.

VRE continues to monitor ridership, the effects of COVID-19, and guidance from federal, state and local health professionals, the Governor’s office, and the White House, and will keep you informed if further adjustments to our service plan become necessary.

VRE staff are working from remote locations to minimize social contact. This means providing many of the services normally available at our Alexandria Offices will be more challenging. If you need assistance or a service usually provided at our office, please call us first at 703-684-1001 to make arrangements.

Have a safe and healthy weekend!


#5 CNJRoss



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Posted 29 March 2020 - 01:23 PM

VRE has been sending out daily reminders on "S" schedule service.  I'm posting this as a sample; note the reminder on no Amtrak 'step-up' trains.  -Ross


VRE Train Talk Alert 3/29/20


Service Advisory: VRE will continue to operate an "S" schedule this week.




Virginia Railway Express (VRE)


VRE will continue to operate on an “S” schedule this week. Only the trains marked with an “S” on our schedule will operate.

As a reminder, Amtrak trains are running on a Saturday schedule. This means no cross-honor Step-Up trains will be available for VRE riders.


VRE staff are working from remote locations to minimize social contact. This means providing many of the services normally available at our Alexandria offices will be more challenging. If you need assistance or a service usually provided at our office, please call us first at 703-684-1001 to make arrangements.


#6 CNJRoss



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Posted 31 March 2020 - 06:51 AM

VRE Train Talk Alert 3/31/20



Virginia Railway Express (VRE)


The following Amtrak Step-Up trains are back in service:


The following Amtrak Step-Up trains are back in service: 174, 94, 95, 125, 176, 171


#7 CNJRoss



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Posted 02 April 2020 - 01:57 PM

VRE Monthly Online Forum (Excerpts) 4/1/20


  • Michael from Spotsy asks
    I can't believe VRE has been able to keep operating during this crisis. There are people who are essential and must have the service, and I'm sure they are grateful that you've continued running the trains, on a reduced schedule that allows proper social distancing. Thanks.

    VRE Response
    Thanks Michael. We are glad we can be there for you.

  • Jeff from Fairfax, VA asks
    Does VRE plan to continue service throughout the coronavirus outbreak?

    VRE Response
    As of now Jeff, yes.  We have no plans to adjust the service level from the current "S" schedule.

  • CER from Spotsy asks
    With federal employees mandatory telework and now stay-at-home, do you anticipate reducing 'S' trip even further? Is VRE losing money significantly ("in red") that a fare increase may be needed in near term?

    VRE Response
    Thanks for the question CER,

    We plan to continue operating at the "S" schedule level indefinitely, or until circumstances dictate a change.  There are no current plans for a fare increase.

  • Stacy from Stafford asks
    Is VRE planning to relax their refund policy during this COVID-19 crisis? This would be tremendously helpful since many agencies are having to adjust their operational policies (ie., partial to 100% telework) either after the monthly cut off period to cancel/stop your benefit claim or as we are about to enter a new month, which does not give enough time to return tickets for a full refund. For example, We just got confirmation that we will be teleworking through April so I will be returning my April's monthly ticket back to Commuter Direct today. But I can only get a 75% refund since it is after the last day of the previous month. Thank you.

    VRE Response
    Thanks for the question Stacy,

    As mentioned earlier, we have asked CommuterDirect to be as flexible as possible, just try to get the ticket back to them as quickly as you can.
  • Lynn from VA asks
    Why did we get such short notice for the return of April tickets? I was notified via email in the afternoon of the 31st that the ticket needed to be postmarked by the 31st-there was no humanly way possible to get to the post office (is it even open?) to get this sent back certified or priority before the end of the day. Even ONE extra day would have helped. I understand things are moving fast due to COVID-19, but less than a day- not even 3 hours- was a bit much.

    VRE Response
    Hi Lynn, We did send a Train Talk alert on March 26th.  The latest email you probably received was from CommuterDirect if you receive your tickets through the mail.  While refunds for tickets purchased through the mail must go through CommuterDirect, we have committed to working with them and have asked them to be as flexible as possible if tickets don't make it back to them by today. Those tickets are pre-printed and mailed to get them to you before the 1st, while the funding is not provided to the accounts until today - if you receive SmartBenefits. In most cases, they do not know whether the benefit accounts will be funded in time to give more advance notice.

  • Dave from Woodbridge, Va asks
    How much has ridership dropped since the expanded telework went into effect?

    VRE Response
    Currently we are only carrying 350-500 riders per day (700-1,000 total daily rides) on our reduced "S" schedule.  On a full schedule, normal operation we would generally carry 9,000 - 10,000 riders (18,000 - 20,000 total daily rides).  Those who are still riding have the opportunity to practice social distancing even on the trains with the low ridership numbers.  We are happy to be able to continue to provide the service for those essential workers who need to get to their jobs.



April Forum (complete)

#8 CNJRoss



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Posted 03 April 2020 - 07:04 PM


Virginia Railway Express (VRE)


As we complete our third week of reduced service in support of the COVID-19 mitigation efforts, we would like to share additional information and changes our riders may find helpful.


As we complete our third week of reduced service in support of the COVID-19 mitigation efforts, we would like to share additional information and changes our riders may find helpful.

1. VRE plans to maintain our service at the “S” schedule level until further notice. Only trains marked with an “S” on our schedules will operate.


2. We encourage everyone to maintain social distancing at every opportunity. Ridership is at a level where social distancing can be maintained on the platforms while waiting on the train, and while onboard the train. We have also asked our conductors to remain in the vestibules as much as possible, unless assistance is needed within the body of the train.

3. This is a partnership, and everyone must do their part. We have asked our conductors and staff to stay home if they are sick, or if anyone they have been around is sick or exhibiting symptoms. We ask the same from our passengers: If you are sick or if you have been around others who are or may be sick, Please Stay Home. We are all in this together, and with cooperation, we will all get through it.

4. Some of our Ticket Vendor Locations have limited operating hours or procedures. Please check our website at https://www.vre.org/...ticket-vendors/

5. We are receiving requests for refunds on April tickets which will not be utilized. If you purchased your ticket through CommuterDirect, please work directly with them. Contact information for CommuterDirect can also be found on the vendor page referenced above. All other special ticket requests will be addressed by VRE staff at 703-684-1001, or gotrains@vre.org.

I want to thank everyone for your continued support of VRE. Our staff, train crews, host railroads, contracted service providers, suppliers and other valued stakeholders are focused on providing you a safe and healthy commute.


Rich Dalton
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Virginia Railway Express

#9 CNJRoss



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Posted 30 April 2020 - 07:09 AM




Virginia Railway Express (VRE)


"S" schedule continues


VRE will continue to operate on an “S” schedule this week. Only the trains marked with an “S” on our schedule will operate.

When riding VRE we strongly suggest the use of a face covering and adherence to social distancing guidelines as outlined by the CDC, the Virginia Department of Health, and the DC Department of Health.

See the links below for specific information and be sure to comply with rules in the jurisdictions where you board and alight.






#10 CNJRoss



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Posted 01 May 2020 - 08:29 PM




Virginia Railway Express (VRE)


VRE Update from Acting CEO Rich Dalton


Another week of staying home, social distancing, and using cloth face coverings when appropriate is behind us. As we continue to operate VRE service on our “S” schedule taking essential workers to and from their jobs, we want to thank everyone for doing their part in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.

A special thank you to all the front-line workers in healthcare, first responders, grocery stores, restaurants, and others who are out there every day to help us all get through this time safely. We would be remiss if we did not give a special shout out to the train crews and support personnel who make providing our service possible. Those of you riding the trains will have noticed the crew members wearing face coverings and making every effort to maintain social distancing efforts. For your own safety and that of the crews and other passengers, we ask you to make similar efforts. We continue to support the recommendations of the CDC and Virginia Department of Health in the use of cloth face coverings when in public or when social distancing is difficult to maintain. For our passengers going to L’Enfant or Union Station, The District of Columbia has strongly suggested the use of face coverings by anyone utilizing public transit. Please check out our COVID-19 Information page for the latest updates and links to other helpful information.

VRE is currently implementing processes to be prepared for our riders to come back when ready. Our focus will be on maintaining social distancing on the platforms and onboard the trains, and making sure we can provide a clean, safe, worry-free commute even as ridership numbers grow back to pre-COVID-19 levels.

Thank you again for your continued support of VRE and your efforts and sacrifices to help keep everyone safe and stop the spread.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.

Rich Dalton
Acting CEO
Virginia Railway Express


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