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Sound Transit & Coronavirus

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#1 CNJRoss



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Posted 14 March 2020 - 04:20 PM

Sound Transit 3/1/20

Responding to heightened COVID-19 concerns


By Sound Transit



March 1, 2020


Yesterday a King County resident’s tragic death following diagnosis with the novel coronavirus/COVID-19 drove home the threats that face communities around the world. Sound Transit is among the agencies across our region and state that are mobilizing to help control the spread of the disease, and we ask you to play your part.


Crews are putting focus on cleaning vehicles and facilities more deeply and frequently, and removing any vehicle from service until it is disinfected when there is a biohazard. If you see something that needs attention please alert a transit employee. You can call or text our security office 24 hours a day at 206-398-5268. Our cleaning will put particular focus on “high touch” areas like handrails, escalators, elevator buttons, etc.


What can you do? Transit riders have the most important role to play. It is critical to observe the precautions that are being emphasized by health authorities. Among the most important is staying home and avoiding public places if you experience potential symptoms.


As with typical colds and flus, we can carry a virus before we are aware of any symptoms. It’s critical to wash our hands often and thoroughly, using soap and hot water, and avoid touching our noses, mouths and eyes with unwashed hands. Keep tissues handy and cover coughs and sneezes.


Health authorities are also emphasizing the effectiveness of “social distancing”— staying away from others when possible, especially those with potential symptoms. We all know that can be difficult on transit, but remember it’s not rude to get up and move if you need to.


Health authorities have emphasized that so far widespread transmission of the virus is not occurring, but are planning response measures for the scenario of more cases. Sound Transit will work with authorities and closely observe their guidance going forward.


Check back here for the latest updates. Together our actions can help control the spread of this disease. Let’s all stay attentive and vigilant.


To read this statement online, located on The Platform, click here. Updates on this important subject will be posted to this original Platform article. If you have trouble connecting to the Platform article, the full URL is here: https://www.soundtra...tened-covid-19-concerns



#2 CNJRoss



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Posted 19 March 2020 - 06:25 PM

Sound Transit news release

Sound Transit to temporarily reduce service on Link light rail, Sounder trains, some ST Express routes

New schedules reflect greatly reduced demand and anticipated staffing shortages
March 19, 2020



As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, starting Monday Sound Transit will respond to its greatly reduced ridership by temporarily reducing service on Link light rail and Sounder trains. ST Express routes operated by King County Metro will also see a reduction in service. 


ST Express buses operated by Community Transit and Pierce Transit, as well as service on Tacoma Link service will remain unchanged for the time being. However, service could be reduced in the future based on reduced ridership and/or staffing impacts. 


"The changes that we are implementing respond to our dramatically reduced ridership while still preserving reliable service and maintaining ample flexibility for social distancing by riders," said Peter Rogoff, CEO of Sound Transit. "In this challenging time we will continue to treat transit as a lifeline for people who need to travel, including people caring for relatives, first responders, health care workers and other essential personnel."


The changes in service reflect significant declines in ridership since the beginning of the COVID-19 emergency. As of the beginning of this week, system total ridership was down approximately 69 percent. The new service levels also reflect the fact that the outbreak has led to operations and maintenance staff staying home in higher numbers, making it difficult to maintain existing service.


While implementing service reductions, Sound Transit remains committed to serving the public and will continue to meet the needs of transit-dependent riders as well as services for low-income, minority and limited-English-proficiency populations.  We will continue to run trains and buses at our earliest and latest service hours.  However, staffing availability, further ridership reductions and/or government directives related to COVID-19 could impact service further as the regional response continues. 


Link light rail

Closures of Downtown Seattle Link stations will begin Friday evening and extend through the weekend as crews wrap up the Connect 2020 construction process, through which Sound Transit has connected East King County tracks to the system in preparation for the 2023 opening of East Link. Upon the scheduled Monday reopening of service, Sound Transit will respond to greatly reduced rider demand by retaining the 14-minute train frequencies that have been in place during the construction period, which provide ample capacity for current ridership while maintaining space for social distancing. With the conclusion of Connect 2020, passengers will no longer need to transfer at Pioneer Square and bicycle restrictions will be lifted. 


During the weekend closure shuttle buses will connect riders for travel between downtown stations and Capitol Hill and SODO stations. Shuttle buses will operate every 17-10 minutes. Fares will not be required for train or shuttle bus passengers.


Sounder trains
Starting with the Monday afternoon commute, Sounder South weekday service will be reduced from 13 round trips to eight round trips. The northbound trips being canceled are the 1502, 1504 and 1506 departures from Lakewood, and the 1516 and 1522 departures from Tacoma. The southbound trips being canceled are the 1503, 1509, 1517, 1519, and 1523 departures from Seattle. 


Also starting with the Monday afternoon commute, Sounder North weekday service will be reduced from four round trips to two round trips, with cancellation of the 1701 and 1705 departures from Everett and the 1700 and 1704 departures from Seattle. 

Sound Transit is taking extra measures to have redundant capacity in the event of a mechanical breakdown in order to ensure reliability while frequencies are reduced.


ST Express buses operated by King County Metro 
ST Express buses operated by King County Metro (Routes 522, 541, 542, 545, 550, 554, 555 and 556) will see an overall reduction in service of 15 percent. Riders will find more information on the specific trips cancelled at www.soundtransit.org and via rider alerts, which they can sign up to receive electronically.


During the COVID-19 response, riders should take into account that electronic resources such as Google maps, One Bus Away and other applications and websites won’t have accurate information for all trips, including service reductions affecting other agencies.


Riders should sign up for rider alerts to ensure that they receive up-to-date information about service changes, or visit www.soundtransit.org.


#3 CNJRoss



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Posted 20 March 2020 - 08:03 PM

Sound Transit news release


Sound Transit to suspend fares on all transit modes until further notice   
To protect operators, ST Express passengers will board and exit buses through rear doors whenever possible
March 20, 2020



Starting on Saturday, March 21 Sound Transit will suspend fare requirements on buses and trains until further notice to help protect transit employees and riders through social distancing.


In addition, ST Express passengers other than riders using mobility devices or the boarding ramp will board and exit buses through rear doors whenever possible. Front areas of buses will be limited to these passengers, increasing separation from operators whose dedication enables Sound Transit to continue service during the COVID-19 crisis.


"The safety of our riders and employees is our top priority," said Peter Rogoff, CEO of Sound Transit. "During this difficult time we are taking all the steps necessary protect public health while maintaining service throughout all service hours. We are committed to serving every customer who continues to depend on our service to get where they need to go."


The suspension of fares and the new bus boarding policy follows the decision to temporarily reduce service on Link, Sounder and ST Express buses operated by King County Metro in light of drastically reduced demand, with ridership currently down nearly 70 percent. Sound Transit remains committed to serving the public and will continue to meet the needs of transit-dependent riders as well as low-income, minority and limited-English-proficiency populations. However, staffing availability, further ridership reductions and/or government directives related to COVID-19 could impact service further as the regional response continues.


During this period, resources normally used for fare enforcement will shift to continuing to maintain a strong security presence on trains and at facilities to assist riders.


During the COVID-19 response riders should take into account that electronic resources such as Google maps, One Bus Away and other applications and websites won’t have accurate information for all trips, including service reductions affecting other agencies. Visit the Reduced Service page on Sound Transit’s website for the latest schedule information.


Downtown light rail service will be replaced by shuttle buses this weekend during work to wrap up Connect 2020 construction. Details can be found here. Riders should sign up for rider alerts to ensure that they receive up-to-date information about service changes, or visit www.soundtransit.org.



#4 CNJRoss



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Posted 22 March 2020 - 08:16 PM

Sound Transit email 3/22/20

Link returns to two track service on Monday with service reductions


Link light rail will return to two-track service in downtown Seattle stations beginning Monday. With the project’s completion, riders through Downtown Seattle will no longer need to transfer at Pioneer Square, and restrictions on bicycles will end.


With light rail ridership down nearly 70 percent as the region battles the spread of the novel coronavirus, trains will continue to run every 14 minutes under temporary service reductions announced last week.


Sound Transit has suspended fare requirements on buses and trains until further notice to help protect transit employees and riders through social distancing.


We want to thank our riders for their patience during Connect 2020, and for the safety measures they are observing as they ride transit during this challenging time.



Cross-posted in ST Link '10 weeks of disruptions' for Connect 2020

#5 CNJRoss



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Posted 25 March 2020 - 12:41 PM

Rail Group on Air, 3/24/20

RT&S Editor-in-Chief talks with Sound Transit’s John Gallagher on how his agency is dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.







#6 CNJRoss



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Posted 25 March 2020 - 01:39 PM

Sound Transit email 3/25/20

Sound Transit - Security Contact Information


Sound Transit would like to remind our riders that the Sound Transit Security Desk is staffed 24/7. If you ever see anything unsanitary or have public safety concerns on board or at a station, send a text to: 206-398-5268. In an emergency, always call 911.



#7 CNJRoss



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Posted 28 March 2020 - 08:08 PM

RT&S 3/25/20

Special Report: On the Front Line: Sound Transit hit hard financially by coronavirus pandemic



The state of Washington was to first feel the impact of the coronavirus. It was the first to report a case in the U.S. and the first to report a death. Sound Transit has been dealing with the struggle since the coronavirus hit the region, and has been drowning in the unknowns.


Sound Transit has suffered a 70 percent decline in ridership over the last month. In response, the agency has reduced service—normally in peak times there are six-minute headways and now there are 14-minute headways—and on March 20 all fares system-wide were suspended. With Gov. Jay Inslee ordering a shelter-in-place, businesses are now boarded up, and 58 percent of Sound Transit money comes from sales taxes. So as Sound Transit deals with its most difficult time from a financial perspective, no money is coming in.


“It is really too early to even get a handle on what the financial impact will be,” John Gallagher, a public information officer for Sound Transit, told RT&S. “We are dependent on sales tax for our income, and those will be taking a substantial hit because of the economic impact of the virus.”


Continue here.

#8 Lightning



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Posted 01 April 2020 - 01:27 PM

Reduced Sounder schedule, until further notice, is here.

"Big Green Chauvanist"

#9 CNJRoss



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Posted 03 April 2020 - 03:52 PM

Sound Transit news release


ST to temporarily reduce service further on Link and ST Express routes serving Pierce and King counties   
Reductions reflect reduced staffing availability

April 3, 2020



Because of reduced staffing availability to operate service, Sound Transit will introduce additional service reductions on Link and on ST Express routes operated by Pierce Transit and King County Metro starting Monday, April 6.


The further service reductions also reflect an 85 percent system-wide reduction in ridership, with Link and almost all ST Express routes, as well as Sounder service, already operating at reduced levels. Due to reduced staffing availability, riders should anticipate the possibility of impacts to scheduled trips as well as the potential for further reductions.


The service reductions still allow for adequate social distancing to protect riders and operators. To prevent overcrowding, bus drivers may determine that a bus is full and not allow for additional passengers. Sound Transit will be monitoring the latest service changes to see if any additional measures are necessary to mitigate the impact to passengers.


Sound Transit remains committed to working closely with its partners to continue serving the public. Efforts will continue to prioritize serving riders who depend on Sound Transit’s services, including seniors, people with disabilities, Title VI protected populations (race, color, national origin), low-income and limited-English-proficiency populations. To the greatest extent possible, we will continue to run trains and buses at our earliest and latest normal weekday hours. At this time normal service will continue on Tacoma Link.


  Reductions to Link light rail


Trains will run every 20 minutes. They are currently running every 14 minutes. A revised schedule is posted online at https://www.soundtra...reduced-service.


  Reductions to ST Express routes operated by Pierce Transit


Routes, 560, 566, 574, 577, 578, 590, and 594 will run at reduced frequency similar to typical Sunday schedules, with some enhancements. In order to preserve service on more heavily traveled routes, Routes 544, 567, 580/596 (Sounder connectors), 586, 592, and 595 have been temporarily canceled.


  ST Express routes operated by King County Metro


Routes 522, 542, 545, and 550, are operating on a reduced schedule with cuts to some trips. Route 554 is operating with close to full service with only two trips reduced. Routes 541, 555 and 556 have been temporarily canceled.


Riders will find more information on the specific trips cancelled at https://www.soundtra...reduced-service and via rider alerts, which they can sign up to receive electronically.


During the COVID-19 response riders should take into account that electronic resources such as Google maps, One Bus Away and other applications and websites may not have accurate information for all trips, including service reductions affecting other agencies.


Sound Transit has suspended fare requirements on all buses and trains until further notice to help protect transit employees and riders through social distancing. In addition, ST Express passengers will board and exit buses through rear doors whenever possible, increasing separation from operators whose dedication enables Sound Transit to continue service. People with disabilities who need to use the boarding ramp or the lowering feature of the bus may still board via the front door and use the priority seating area.


Previously announced service reductions include:


  Sounder trains


Sounder South weekday service is reduced from 13 round trips to eight round trips. The northbound trips being canceled are the 1502, 1506 and 1508 departures from Lakewood, and the 1516 and 1522 departures from Tacoma. The canceled southbound trips are the 1503, 1509, 1517, 1519, and 1523 departures from Seattle. Sounder North weekday service is reduced from four round trips to two round trips, with cancellation of the 1701 and 1705 departures from Everett and the 1700 and 1704 departures from Seattle.


  ST Express routes operated by Community Transit


Routes 510, 511, 512, 513, 532 and 535 are running on a reduced weekday schedule that preserves the overall span of service but at a reduced frequency for select trips.


Riders should sign up for rider alerts to ensure that they receive up-to-date information about service changes, or visit www.soundtransit.org. The language line 1-800-823-9230 is available to provide translation assistance for limited English proficiency persons.



#10 CNJRoss



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Posted 06 April 2020 - 02:25 PM





Construction alert


Sound Transit construction overview amid COVID-19 response



Due to COVID-19 risks, Sound Transit is directing contractors to suspend almost all construction on its transit expansion projects across the region, starting today, April 6.


The very limited work that does continue will focus on tasks considered critical and/or necessary to ensure that all sites remain safe and secure and/or to avoid mobility, environmental or other impacts.


Examples are included below. This work will move forward only under appropriate safety measures including additional worker training and increased monitoring of updated safety plans.


Sound Transit will immediately shut down work in the event that contractors are unable to comply fully with safety plans, as it did on one construction project on March 31.


Sound Transit arrived at this decision after carefully evaluating what heightened measures would be necessary to ensure the safety of the construction workforce and whether contractors are prepared to take those measures.


Sound Transit will be boosting its oversight of those sites that remain open by reallocating safety inspection and construction management resources from those projects that have been closed down.


An example of the work that will continue is light rail construction on the Homer M. Hadley floating bridge.  For safety reasons activities on the floating bridge are seasonally restricted. Crews will work to complete necessary work during April through October work window. 


Contractors will continue to monitor security at worksites and to maintain the sites, including environmental protection measures.


Sound Transit expects that construction personnel who work on ongoing projects will continue to do so on a voluntary basis and not be compelled.


The period of suspension is currently set for April 6 to May 4.


Sound Transit has the discretion to extend or decrease this period. The agency will monitor the circumstances surrounding each project and continue to work closely with federal, state and local authorities and its labor and contractor partners to evaluate future actions.


Examples of critical work that will continue include:

  • Utility work that is already in progress at various locations will be completed
  • Work in streets of the Tacoma Stadium District that is highly disruptive to the public
  • Work on the I-90 floating bridge
  • Certain sidewalks, ramps and driveways on the Eastside, which are important for the safe passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic
  • Demolition of buildings along the Federal Way alignment that would pose a public health or safety concern if left standing
  • Fire protection systems work in the I-90 Mount Baker Tunnel
  • Work at the Link Operations and Maintenance Facility East


Expanded safety measures for continuing work may include provisions in the following areas:

  • Reducing work crew sizes
  • Staggering report times to avoid large groups
  • Adding sanitation facilities including more hand washing and hand sanitizer stations
  • Using face shields
  • Screening of employee wellness by first line supervisors upon reporting to the site
  • Emphasis of COVID-19 symptom recognition, personal protective measures, personal protective equipment and revised work practices



Sound Transit response to COVID-19


For the latest on how Sound Transit is responding to COVID-19, visit The Platform blog.


COVID-19 updates on The Platform





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